The meaning of life


1 min read

We are not asking about the general meaning of life, but rather the specific meaning of life at a particular moment in one's existence. Answering this question in general terms is like asking a chess grandmaster, "Master, what is the best move in the world?" There is no such thing as the best move, or even a good move in isolation - it all depends on the specific position in the game and the personality of the opponent. Human existence is similar: one cannot search for an abstract meaning of life. Each person has their own unique calling or mission that needs to be fulfilled in concrete ways. Their life cannot be repeated or replaced. Therefore, each person is unique, and only they have the special opportunity to fulfill their unique destiny.

Every situation in life presents challenges to people and poses problems for them to solve. Therefore, the question of life's meaning should actually be reversed. One should not ask what the meaning of their life is. Instead, they must realize that "they" are the ones being questioned. In short, each person is questioned by life, and they can only answer with their own life; they can only respond through "taking responsibility." Thus, logotherapy holds that "the ability to take responsibility" is the most essential aspect of human existence.